As we all know, digital transformation is the novel use of digital technology to accelerate business strategy of an industry. In other words, it is the application of digital technologies to empower people, optimize processes and to automate systems of the industry to achieve a step-by-step change in business performance. It’s no longer surprising news…
Tag: industry40
RAMI 4.0 (Reference Architectural Model Industry 4.0): Explained with example
What is RAMI 4.0? How it relates to Industry 4.0? The RAMI 4.0, Reference Architecture Model Industrie 4.0 (Industry 4.0), was developed by the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association (ZVEI) to support Industry 4.0 initiatives, which are gaining broad acceptance throughout the world. Industry 4.0 (also termed Industrie 4.0) is a holistic view of…