Let us first try to understand what is NLP? How it relates to AI-ML subject?
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a broad and rapidly evolving segment of today’s emerging digital technologies, often generalized as Artificial Intelligence (AI). Wikipedia defines NLP as “a subfield of AI concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages, in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data”. By harnessing NLP, AI can successfully imitate human speech, form naturally flowing sentences and give human-to-machine interactions a personal touch.

The development of NLP applications is challenging because computers traditionally require humans to “speak” to them in a programming language that is precise, unambiguous and highly structured, or through a limited number of clearly enunciated voice commands. Human speech, however, is not always precise, it is often ambiguous, and the linguistic structure can depend on many complex variables, including slang, regional dialects and social context.
The first and most important ingredient required for NLP to be effective is “data”. Once businesses have effective data collection and organization protocols in place, they are just one step away from realizing the capabilities of NLP.
Possible use-cases of NLP in manufacturing industries

Before NLP, organizations that utilized AI and ML were just skimming the surface of their data insights. Now, NLP gives them the tools to not only gather enhanced data but analyse the totality of the data – both linguistic and numerical data. NLP gets organizations data driven results using language as opposed to just numbers. Below are some important use-cases of NLP in manufacturing industries which we can think of (some are realized to some extent in different domains already) …
- Industrial safety remains utmost important matter for every country. Industrial accidents cause human suffering as well as result in immense money related misfortune and ecological effects. To counteract these accidents in the future, the examination of the risk control plan is basic. In every industry, casualty and accident reports could be accessible for past accidents. This document proposes the accident reports mining using NLP.
- To improve industrial automation (Industry 4.0) efforts and streamline the manufacturing pipeline, NLP can analyze thousands of shipment documents and give manufacturers better insight into what areas of their supply chain are lagging. Using this info, they can make upgrades to certain steps in the process or make logistical changes to optimize efficiency.
- NLP helps manufacturing industries to make powerful decisions by using web scraping techniques. Web scraping, data extraction, data scanning, or data mining helps industries to extract & accumulate crucial business information from internet. With precise, accurate, and reliable data on consumer preferences, manufacturers will have the opportunity to deliver advanced products.
- In NLP, web scraping also helps to scan online resources for information about industry benchmark rates for transportation rates, fuel prices, and labor costs. This data ultimately helps them compare their costs to market standards and identify cost optimization opportunities so as to remain in competitor’s category.
- In NLP, text summarization technique helps industries to process large volume of textual data and extract most important information from it. NLP can summarize large text into small text based on exact key phrases within the text, or it can even summarize based on determined meanings and inferences, providing a paraphrased summary. This saves lot of time for industries to read & understand large documents in few seconds and make quick decisions. Example: Maintenance history reports, quality reports, sales reports etc.
- One of very popular use case of NLP (AI) in industrial world is AI based robots. The primary reason for the introduction of NLP (AI) in the manufacturing industry is to cover for the lack of workforce, simplify the whole production process, and improve efficiency. In general, bots have helped manufacturers to boost production speed. In other words, NLP (AI) is helping the industry by making product decisions instant and smarter. This is an era of customized products, and NLP (AI) is helping manufacturers gather useful customer data, which is used to make product-based decisions. Also, it has helped the companies to reduce the overall cost of production. AI and robotics is the future of manufacturing. To get a better understanding of how essential robotics and AI in the manufacturing industry are, have a look at few use-cases below:
- Demand-based production
- Automatic control
- Damage control and quick maintenance
- Product design and redesign
To conclude, NLP is the driving force of the future. In the next decade, we will surely see some stunning technological revolutions based on NLP. NLP is all about data, and when properly implemented, it will use the given data to our benefit, digitizing most of the processes and making our lives easier and disciplined / systematic in industrial world.
Some other good use-cases of NLP are given below
- To identify root causes of product issues very quickly.
- To help non-subject matter experts to obtain answers to their questions.
- To create structured data from a highly unstructured data source.
- To reduce customer complaints by proactively identifying trends in customer communication.
- To identify profitable customers and understand the reasons for their loyalty.
- To help banks and other security institutions identify money laundering or other fraudulent situations.
- To help insurers to identify fraudulent claims.
- To understand many different languages, jargon, and even slang.
- To understand competitors’ product offerings.
The core working of NLP begins with identifying the key elements of instruction, extract relevant information, and then process the same enabling machines to act in the desired way. Traditionally, computers or machines do not possess the intelligence to decrypt human language. However, with the intrusion of NLP, they can now understand the expressions and even emulate human behavior. NLP uses a variety of techniques to understand the complexities of human speech, and NLP software needs an extensive knowledge base to operate effectively.
Syntax and semantics analysis of text
AI has advanced to the level today where NLP can analyze text, extract meaning from text, and determine actionable insights from both syntax and semantics in text. Then, let us understand, what is syntax and semantics analysis of text.
- Syntax analysis: NLP determines the meaning from a language based on grammatical rules of that language. NLP syntax techniques that are commonly used include parsing word segmentation, morphological segmentation, sentence breaking, and stemming.
- Semantics analysis: NLP can also determine meaning and context from language using algorithms to understand the meaning and structure of sentences. NLP semantics techniques include word sense disambiguation, named entity recognition, and natural language generation.
Existence of successful implementation of NLP in today’s world
In a nutshell, in today’s world, NLP is a technology behind chat-bots, virtual smart assistants, online translation services, Google search results, predictive texts, text summarization, sentiment analysis, and many more as described below:
- Smart assistants: Think of Siri and Alexa – these virtual smart assistants rely on NLP to understand inflection and tone to complete their tasks.
- Text summarization: Text summarization is mostly applied in academic, research and some industries like healthcare, as it uses NLP to quickly process large text and extract most important information from it. NLP can summarize text based on exact key phrases within the text, or it can even summarize based on determined meanings and inferences, providing a paraphrased summary.
- Urgency detection: NLP algorithms can be established that look for key phrases or words that connotate urgency or stress in text. This can help companies prioritize their work or customer service outreach to those who have communicated in a such a manner.
- Search results: Search engines consistently utilize NLP to proactively understand searcher’s intent and provide relevant results faster. It can even generate responses based on similar search behaviors or trends.
- Sentiment analysis: Using sentiment analysis, financial institutions can analyze larger amounts of market research and data, ultimately leveraging that insight to make more informed investment decisions and streamline risk management.
- Text analytics: LP can analyze text sources from email to social media posts and beyond to give companies insights beyond numbers and figures. NLP text analytics converts unstructured text and communication into actionable and organized data for analysis using different linguistic, statistical, and machine learning techniques.
- Predictive text: This is one of the earliest examples of NLP in action. Things like auto-correct and auto-complete are made possible by NLP, which can even learn personal language habits and make suggestions based on individual behavioral patterns.

Taking an industrial domain example for NLP implementation
Use-case description and applicability of NLP (an AI/ML technique)
As we all know, preventing a machine from breaking down has become utmost important matter for every industry these days. There are very few industries who have implemented predictive analytics using AI/ML techniques in today’s world which is running in production environment, whereas many other industries have just implemented proof-of-concept (not fully functional) and forgotten it away. In any case, those AI/ML analytics solutions cannot eliminate machine breakdown from happening to an extent of 100%. Industries cannot hire all highly skilled maintenance engineers, rather there will be always a mixture of skilled engineers and many a times an engineer is expected to handle machine breakdown issue independently. Skilled engineers are also likely to refer to historical machine breakdown reports before fixing the issue. Therefore, there is a need for an approach that helps both skilled & unskilled maintenance engineers to look back into historical machine breakdown reports, understand it very quickly and fix the issue in a machine as fast as possible. This will certainly help industries to reduce productivity loss than usual big loss. Data mining concept using NLP techniques shall be applied on historical machine breakdown reports to extract short summary data which maintenance engineer can quickly read, understand and provide the resolution to machine breakdown.
Machine breakdown causes heavy loss to the industry (production losses), workers (if salary is paid on basis of components produced) as well as the environment too. To predict the machine breakdown, it is significant to investigate the past machine breakdown reports. Based on the acquired knowledge, maintenance experts can make the right move to fix the problem or decrease the possibility for similar breakdown again. By not analysing historical machine breakdown reports properly and also by not having proper preventive maintenance measures in place – will increase the probability of machine breakdown. Performing obligatory preventive checks before operating a machine, bringing issues to light, frequent auditing and inspection of the machines would reduce the cause of breakdowns. In industries, after a machine breakdown, the machine maintenance team prepares an investigation & resolution report. This report gives the total depiction of the breakdown and provides pointers for preventive measures. Here we are proposing NLP technique to do text mining and gather information from the historical machine breakdowns report. To categorize and find the reason for machine breakdown along with resolutions provided in faster way to reduce productivity loss – a collection of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are used.
Implementation approach
This involves below 3 sequential steps…
- Pre-processing of various types of data
- Building lexical dictionaries
- Optimize data using ML algorithms – this is your final result
- Using DL algorithms

1) Pre-processing of various types of data
It involves various steps as described below…
a) Removal of short structure words
- When an address is written, the street is represented as St.
- Months represented as Jan., Feb., and so on…
- Measurements represented as cm, mm, km, in.
Most of the framework splits the sentences based on the dot or period symbol. Words like {i.e., pg., e.g.} creates hindrance for the sentence splitting and tokenizing.
b) Removal of stop words
Stop words have extremely little value in helping a document. Examples are – it, didn’t, can, can’t, able, only, onto, or etc. Removal of such words will not create a huge impact on the application.
c) Removal of punctuations and special characters
Punctuation marks, Special characters, domain name behaves like a noise in the text. They do not play a vital role in the information.
d) Conversion of alphabet cases
Some of the programming languages and machine learning frameworks are case sensitive. The case of the text converted as either upper or lower. In general, lower case is preferred.
e) Tokenization
The text document parsed and chunked as smaller units like paragraphs, sentences, etc. The tokenization process chops the sentences or the text stream into pieces of words called as tokens.
f) Define a grammar rule / identify speech
In this process, words are assigned with proper tags (noun, verb, and preposition). This helps us to build the grammatical relationship between words. Few words are difficult to relate to the industrial context. For example, words like BREAK, CRUSH, SWING, SITE, and PLATFORM tagged with ‘NN’. N-Grams of text is a set of co-occurring words within a given word window size. The word window size could change as a unigram, bigram, and trigram and so on.
g) Word Embedding
The way humans understand words, machine cannot understand the same way. Word embeddings help convert the word/sentences from human understandable format to machine understandable format.
Using word embeddings, all individual words are represented as real-valued vectors in a predefined vector space.
- Find TF IDF and Cosine Similarity
Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency (TF -IDF). TF-IDF is a factual result of Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency. Term Frequency is a raw count of a word in a Document and Inverse Document Frequency is a proportion of how much data completes a word give in a document (obtained by isolating the all outnumber of archives by the number of reports containing the term, and after that taking the logarithm of that remainder). TF-IDF is equivalent to {ratio of the event of a term in a document by the number of terms in a document} *log {ratio of the complete number of documents by the quantity of document that contains the term}
- GloVe / Word2Vec
Both uses Neural Network to come up with word embedding. Word2Vec learns embeddings by relating target words to their context. However, it ignores whether some context words appear more often than others. GloVe builds word embeddings in a way that a combination of word vectors relates directly to the probability of these words’ co-occurrence in the corpus.
h) Stemming and Lemmatization
Inflected words are words derived from other words. Inflected Language uses Inflected words in speech-language. The amount of deviation of the derived word from the root word is the degree of inflection. The degree of inflection may be lower to higher. In NLP, Stemming and Lemmatization are part of Text Normalization or Word normalization. A word in a selected document is present in different ways.
i) Grouping sentences based on similarity
A pair of selected sentences could be identical or non-identical. The structure of the sentence is identified by finding…
- First, the length of the sentences is calculated
- Next, the longest common substring and cosine similarity is calculated
- Finally, the similarity between the sentences based on a context is identified and grouped
Pre-processing steps improve the quality of the sentence and reduce the payload sent to the ML Algorithms.
2) Building lexical dictionaries
Every industry will have its own set of terms or keywords. For example, there can be a spare part called CUP and this is different from the general term ‘cup’. Same way, ‘Jaguar’ is a car name as well as an animal name. Consider sentences:
- Removed the front plate and applied the grease.
- Ensure refrigerant is not leaking after replacing the belt.
To extract the cause of the machine breakdown and to find remedy, simple cleansing and pre-processing will not be enough. The text related to the context of the industry is important. Three steps are required to relate the sentences with the context.
a) Build industry specific dictionary
Every industry will have some specific keywords. It is necessary to collect, build and train those keywords.
- In industries, words like chamber, boiler, unit, stage, and conveyor are common.
- In the IT sector, words like offshore development center (ODC), software requirements specification (SRS) are common.
b) Build a generic dictionary
Globally available lexical databases (like WordNet) are used to build a generic dictionary.
c) Build a derived dictionary
Finally, build derived keywords based on the Industrial keywords should be performed. Example: building concrete, pouring acid, adding lubricant. In addition to that, complex patterns like “front plate was broken due to too much of dust”.
Pre-processing steps and building a lexical dictionary improves the quality of content and reduces the error rate. Finally, cleansed text passed through the optimizer.
3) Optimize the data (or resultant data) with ML algorithms
Optimizer step applies multiple ML algorithms to achieve better & accurate results. Refer above diagram to know some of important ML algorithms. However, 6 important optimizer ML algorithms with descriptions are given in below table…
Sl No. | ML Algorithm | Description |
1 | Probabilistic classifier | Classification of text and document did in this module |
2 | Rule applier | Rule applier module contains a series of rulesets. Every ruleset is cascaded. The first ruleset represents the root and the last represents the leaf. Ruleset from root to leaf applied in every sentence. This helps to identify the category of text. |
3 | Non-Linear Optimizer | This module uses Lagrangian multipliers, Newton’s technique and Sequential Quadratic Programing (SQP). Sequential quadratic programing (SQP) takes care of non-linear optimization problems. This algorithm deals with any level of non-linearity. SQP joins two basic calculation for taking care of non-linearity optimization problem. |
4 | Feature Similarity Classifier | This module identifies the similarity between the sentences. |
5 | Structural Risk Minimizer Module | It minimizes error and improves the confidence level. It solves the optimization problem. |
6 | Regression | This module identifies connection between a selected word or variable and other illustrative variables. It foresees the likelihood of given sample information. |
4) Using DL algorithms
Nowadays a lot of advancement in NLP is achieved by using Deep Learning models. Below are the few deep learning models which give state-of-the-art results in many NLP areas.
Sl No. | ML Algorithm | Description |
1 | Encoder Decoder using LSTM/RNN etc | Encoder takes an input sequence and we get another sequence as output from Decoder. Encoder, Decoder both can use RNN (Recurring Neural Network) or LSTM (Long short term memory) neural network |
2 | Encoder Decoder using Attention | One more layer called Attention got added in Encoder Decoder model. This helps to find out most important words in a sentence and provide more attention to the same. |
3 | Transformer | Here we ditched LSTM/RNN etc. Only using Attention for both Encoder and Decoder |
4 | BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) | Developed by Google in 2018. This is a pretrained model with only Encoder which helps to find the language model. |
Few important instructions for experimentation of above technique
To achieve higher accuracy output, supervised learning approach shall be applied on the pre-processing steps like below…
- Tokenization should be performed to break longer sentences into shorter sentences.
- Stop words provide poor accuracy and consumes more processing time. Hence it is removed
- POS tags mapped with the TOKENS.
- Lemmatization should be performed to remove Inflected words.
- Internally N-Gram is calculated.
- Because of pre-processing, documents are represented as matrix. TF-IDF matrix is generated.
- To classify and evaluate, split the dataset as 80-20.80 % for training and 20 % for testing.
- Calculate the accuracy and fine tune the parameters to improve the accuracy.
Analysing the historical machine breakdown reports using NLP helps us to quickly summarize what had gone wrong & what resolution was provided in the past. Quickly fetching such valuable knowledge from historical breakdown reports helps industries to minimize the productivity loss. This can in fact help industries to quickly update preventive maintenance checklists to mitigate the potential risks of similar breakdowns in future. However, manual classification of breakdown investigation reports is very tedious, time consuming, labour-intensive and error prone. The proposed model is self-learning and robust. In the end, this provides a safer analytical approach too.
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